D. Coy Ducks Pub in Lawton Held Annual Fundraiser!

L-R: Roark Consolatti, Jan and Jon Stefan, Sue Danielson, Cathy and Jerry Ditto.
With up to 20 entries accepted, about 110 people came to the Chili Cookoff to eat and vote for a winner. Bruce Greenwell made the winning chili recipe and $543 was raised for the pantry!
In order to participate, each person could either make a monetary donation to the pantry or bring food items.
Bad Endings signed on to play that night because they know a great cause and a good time!
Last year's Chili Cook Off was a great success earning $$803.00 for Eleanor's Pantry! "D Coy Duck donated $200 of that total," said Nellie DeLong Community Outreach Coordinator for the pantry. "We also received non perishable food."
Many friends came out to taste the wide variety of chili and to support Eleanor's Pantry.
Thanks to GM, Richard Johnson, and the customers of D Coy Ducks for making last year's event so fun and beneficial to the pantry.
Everyone voted for their favorite chili by bringing a non perishable food item or cash donation for Eleanor’s Pantry! Winner of the best chili is Joe Mclemore won, chili # 12.
Lots of non perishable food was collected and a very generous monetary donation as well.
Thank you,also, to Bad Endings for providing us with great music for the evening. Bad Endings signed on to play that night because they know a great cause and a good time!

Lots of chili tasted and voted for!